Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A very long, but fun weekend

Well this weekend went just as planned, with just a few minor melt-downs. Which is surprising-considering they have been happening pretty frequently around these parts. Friday, Halloween, was so much more fun than I had expected. This year was much easier than last. Maybe due to having this whole "mama thing" down a little bit better. I worked on his costume up until about 3 hours before him needing to wear it. Luckily it was a slow day at work. :) It came out better than I thought, and even had a few hours left to put some extra detail into it.

We met our friends Tim, Amy, Mason and Owen at the Downtown La Verne Trick or Treat deal they have. Zach had so much fun getting candy and putting only about every other piece in his mouth. I swear, he sat down every two stores to do inventory on his candy. It was so cute. He is such a charmer, I think we may have trouble from this one. Mason and Owen had a great time too, and they all play so nice with each other. They even shared their candy, sort of. Amy had a great idea with the wagon, I might try that next year. Normally Zach is just dying to get out of his stroller, and the one day I want him to walk, he didn't want out! He realized it was easier to eat his candy IN the stroller.
After downtown we went to Grandmas to have dinner. Zach didn't have very much of an appetite after so much Halloween candy. When it got dark, we went back out. For some more candy. All in all, it was such a fun night.
On Saturday we had Zach's 2nd birthday party. I can't believe it has been another year! He is not quite 2, and this week I am savoring these last few moments of this birthday year. It is always bittersweet this time of year. Each day he is learning something new, and as much as I love this; I still find myself hanging onto the baby years. It is unbelievable to me to think that just 2 years ago, I was child-less. It seems like there was never a time that I didn't know and love him. Some days seem to never end, but when I look back; I am constantly wondering where the time went. It really teaches you to just enjoy this time. Just slow down. Take it in stride.
I watched Zach play at his party, playing so nicely with the other kids. It feels so good to know that I am raising such a sweet boy. I remember my mom always telling us how polite our friends parents said that we were when we would stay for dinner, sleep over, etc. I am beginning to know the feeling she got when hearing that. I love to just sit back and watch him when he is his own person, away from me. He shares, smiles, and try to be helpful. I see that I am doing a good job with him. I always knew I wanted to raise a boy with the morals my mom set before us. Not necessarily a braniac, athlete, politician, or scientist. But, someone who is honest, thoughtful,confident, and caring. I want to raise a man who will be a good Father, and Husband. I think I am heading in the right direction. Thanks to my great Mom.
So, as we head into another year, I am so thankful for the guidance I have had through my years which had given me the ability to be the person, wife, and mother I am today. I look forward to watching my baby grow into the person he is, and will be. And I will always keep my promise to show him different roads, but let him chose which one to walk down.
"You are my baby, and I am your Mama."
I love you Zach.

My great friend Amy took all these great pics! Thank gooodness for her, as our camera is broken.

1 comment:

Laura Kae Brandler said...

He looks so cute in his cowboy costume, you did a fabulous job on it. We'll have to get together to sew some time. Sweet things you said about your mom, nothing makes you appreciate your parents more than when you become one.
Glad you have a nice weekend.