Thursday, October 2, 2008

In the Beginning...

I'm new to this blogging world. I enjoy reading a dear friends blogs, so I thought I would give it a try. She made a very good point about our babies being able to find it someday; God forbid anything were to ever happen to us.

I am also somewhat new to Mamahood, almost 2 years into it; some days feeling like it's my first. I will always remember those mostly-sleepless-nights wondering if this ever get easier. If I will ever be able to sleep through the night. If I will ever leave the house without spit-up on me. If I will ever sit down to a complete meal. Now, that those days are over, I wonder if I will ever be back there again. I miss the sleepless nights, the smell of spit-up, and even the untouched meals. I know my baby will never be that baby again. His first birthday was bitter sweet, and now as we are approaching his 2 nd, I long for just one more day of him being a baby. Just one more.

We get so caught up in life, in trying to keep up on the laundry, dusting, mopping, everything else that goes on in our day to day; that at times I think we lose sight of what is really important. Letting them water the plants, it may take longer but they will appreciate nature. Letting them climb out of the car themselves, they will find their Independence. Letting them put their own toys away, it will teach them responsibility. I find myself wanting to rush through these things...thinking there just isn't enough time. I will do it myself. Until I sit down and think about it, I don't realize just how much I am cheating him out of. These are the things that build character. No the fact that the dishes are done and the laundry is folded. We work hard so that I can be home with our son during the day, I really need to utilize that the best I can.

I hope some day Zach will really see and feel the love that I have for him. Zach, I love you very much.

"You are my baby, and I am your Mama."


mames said...

oh. my god.

you sure can write. i am so excited to read more. keep posting. i love 'seeing' this side of you.


Laura Kae Brandler said...

Great post! You sure have your priorities in line. Good for you, you realize now what sometimes takes mothers a life time to learn. No one ever growes up and thanks their mom for a clean house.