Wednesday, October 8, 2008

All you need to know in life you'll learn from a 2 year old


I wake up to you calling my name. It is another day of knowing you. Another day of watching you explore the little things you find amazing. Who knew one could get so much joy out of watching a lizard, or trying to catch a single fly for 20 minutes. Or the excitement you get from putting your shoes on; just knowing we are going somewhere. Every day it seems you learn more and more. You really never cease to amaze me . Your little brain is like a sponge, learning daily as we go. You are so silly, already having such a good sense of humor. You seem to already know to make light of certain situations. You remind me to relax, slow down; it's all going to be ok!

I hear so many moms say how hectic and crazy their life has become since having children. And while I do agree with the hectic part, I'd have to say my life has become simplified. Since having Zach; I now see what is really important. I see what relationships are important, and what true friends are. I don't worry about my outfits like I used to, or who said what about who. I truly believe that life not only gets easier, but more meaningful after children. They have the ability to teach us so much about what really matters, or rather; what should matter in life. I find my conversations with other people are more meaningful and heartfelt. My relationships I chose to tend to are real. It has been so much easier to get rid of the bad, and keep the good. You wouldn't want the bad around your babes anyway. I know i am rambling now, but this has been running through my head for the last 6 mos now, and it's been a while since I have taken an English class. So please, bear with my run on sentences and poor paragraphing. (is that a word?)
Anyway, I don't feel guilty anymore for not returning phone calls asap, or missing a birthday bash. Especially when they missed my wedding...hmm. My handful of close friends, my wonderful husband and family is all that I need. Not that I could afford them now anyway, ( not sure that I ever could) but designer clothes are out the window, beautiful new high heels, please. But that's OK. I am a mama. I am a wife. I want nothing more than that. Finger painting and gardening is my life, and I am OK with that. The occasional night out with my hubby or close friends makes it nice also. There is just so much more to life that I just wasn't enjoying.

So, for as much as I will teach Zach throughout his life, he has already taught me something more valuable than most anything in this world.

I love you so much. So much.
"You are my baby and I am your Mama"

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