Friday, October 3, 2008

A mother's decision...

I dabbled back and forth during my cosmo school days, career woman, SAHM, career woman, SAHM.... what would be right for me? Will I even have kids? Will I meet the right man?

Well, in the beginning you had to pull me out of the salon at the end of the night. I couldn't do enough hair cuts, work out the best blow dry, or weave enough circles around my co workers. I had found it! I had found my one true love. My niche. My circle. I found who I wanted to be, and who I would work my tail off to become. Nothing had been so rewarding as working out that perfect hairstlyle that had my clients in tears as I turned her around to see what prevailed. I had never felt like I 'fit' with people as I did the amazing men (man) and women I worked with in that beautiful place. This was it! This was really the first true love I had found. I can't explain the feeling, but it's the true feeling of accomplishment, happiness, contentment, and I must say, confidence, that I had ever felt. I knew who I was here. I had drems of becoming a famous hairstylist. You know, jose eber, jonathan antin, that was what I knew I wanted. I was going to put off having children until I had gotten there. Then I would slow down and I would be able to selectively choose my clients and work when I wanted to .

Well, it didn't exactly happen that way.

I met Bill, and we had Zach. Unexpectedly, I might add. VERY unexpectedly. And it all changed. Now, this time, I had really found it. I had truly found what was missing in my life. These guys filled any void I had ever felt. Nothing compares what mama-hood brings to your life. Not only what Zach himself is to me, but what comes with it. More family trips, visiting grandmas more often, and most importantly; an unbreakable bond. Not only with Zach, but with Bill. I mean, this man has been through it all with me, he held my hand for 12 hours of labor. Not really, really bad labor. But he was there. He was there with me when I experienced the very most happiest moment of my (our) lives. Who else could compare? This was something that not even my mom was there to experience with me, and if you know me; you know that is a first. It feels so good. Nothing has ever felt more comfortable, or more fitting. Wife, mama. Mama, wife. I love it. Wife/mama/hairstylist. Yeah, I like that.

So, while I still label myself a SAHM, I get to do the other thing that I love. Make people beautiful. Although, it seems a very vein industry, it's not. I have had all walks of life in my chair. Believe me. I have. You hear about what is going on in these people's lives sometimes sooner than their own spouses. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. You become their friend, and they look to you for advice. A lot of times more than what color will look best on them.

So, I really have the best of both worlds. I raise my own babe, cook dinner for my husband, and make the world beautiful. And who said you can't have it all?

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